for Partners

Are you in the travel industry?

Enable seamless internet access for your international tourists without incurring expensive roaming fees through our user-friendly eSIM data plans.

With coverage in over 180 countries, our travel eSIM plans eliminate the need to search for Wi-Fi, buy local SIM cards, or deal with excessive roaming expenses.

Travel Agencies
Professional Congress Organizers

Enhance your customers’ travel experience with our user-friendly application, which allows them to easily search, purchase, and refill their eSIM, access internet consumption rewards at their desired destination, get in touch with our customer support team, and enjoy many more benefits. Download and explore our app here.

Why choose Connectivity eSIMs?

Stand out from competition

Elevate your services and cultivate loyal travelers by offering our eSIM for Data Roaming solution.

Explore new revenue opportunities

Generate additional ancillary revenue from a new and innovative product to complement your existing portfolio.

Enhance your traveler´s experience

Unlock seamless connectivity for your customers during their trips, with budget-friendly plans, effortless setup, quick top-up options and a dedicated 24/7 support team ready to assist them.

We are B2B specialists

We offer tailored business models that meet your specific needs. Our focus is on understanding your business to provide the best-suited solutions.

Become a partner!

Contact us to explore how your company can add value to your travelers. We help you become part of this connectivity revolution. Don’t wait any longer!

What devices can use eSIMs?

Currently mainly high-end devices.
New models of devices compatible with eSIM technology are added every week.
It is estimated that 10% of the devices produced right now have eSIM technology enabled, with this number reaching 50% by 2025.
Check here the latest update of compatible devices for eSIM.

How to install and activate an eSIM?

Activating an eSIM is very easy, you just need to follow a few simple steps and you’ll be immedately able to start using your data.
Check here the guide on how to install your eSIM


What is an eSIM?

An eSIM, or embedded SIM, is a digital SIM that is embedded in your device’s hardware. It allows you to activate a cellular plan without needing a physical SIM card. With an eSIM, you can quickly and easily activate cellular service on your device, without the need to visit a store or purchase a physical SIM card.

What are the benefits for your clients of using an eSIM while traveling?

Using an eSIM for travel offers several benefits:

  • It provides the convenience of not having to purchase a physical SIM card or swap out SIM cards in your device.
  • Allows a save up to 70% on roaming charges compared to local carriers when traveling.
  • It allows to connect to local cellular networks in multiple countries without the hassle of purchasing and activating multiple physical SIM cards.
  • eSIMs often offer more flexible pricing options and plans compared to traditional physical SIM cards.
Does Connectivity offer customer support in any case of incidents in the eSIMS installation?

If your clients encounter connectivity issues with their eSIMs, they can try troubleshooting by restarting their device or resetting their network settings. However, we have a dedicated 24/7 support team ready to assist them.

How can my company acquire this service?

We offer a range of eSIMs for roaming data, with plans available for a variety of destinations and usage levels. If within the services of your company you want to include an eSIM to offer to your clients, we have the ideal solution for you. To know more about your business and your needs and to give you the best proposal, please contact

Where can eSIMs be used?

Today we can offer you this service in 116 countries thanks to our agreements with local operators. More countries are added every month.
Check here the list of countries currently available.

Do you want to become a partner?

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